Understanding Our Lane Availability Map

  • Monday to Thursday
    5.30am-11.00am: set at 50m
    11.00am-8.00pm: set at 25m
  • Fridays:
    Set at 25m all day
  • Saturdays and Sundays:
    ​​​​​​​Pool configurations can vary—please check the map for updates.
  • Event Updates: Special events or changes to the standard setup are noted on the website. Always check for the latest updates.

  • Adjustable Time View:
    Use the slider bar next to the time display to see availability for different times of the day.
  • 25m and 50m Pool Maps:
    Easily switch between maps for 25m and 50m pool setups by clicking HBRAC 25m and selecting HBRAC 50m or vice versa.